Product Information

We provide “Total support” from design and production to delivery for each manufacturer (automobile body assembly line, door line, door hemming die, jigs for airplane, the various transport systems, including automatic food machine).


Automobile Division

A professional group providing support on the spot and the most suitable FA system.

We design and manufacture welding assembly automated line using robots in pursuit of FA to make use of the product developed in-house with our original idea.

Aircraft / Industrial equipment

We contribute to the aviation industry with our trusted technology and know-how.

Utilizing advanced technology developed in the automotive industry, we have developed aircraft-related assembly jig corresponding to various materials controlled by a wide range of assembly and processing / automated industrial equipment.

Development Products

With our industrial equipment developed in-house, we offer revolutionary patented products

We self-develop industry equipment constituting a manufacturing line based on our abundant experience and know-how. We can offer revolutionary patented commodity unavailable anywhere else.